King of Air Plants, Extra Large
King of Air Plants, Extra Large
The Xerographica, also known as the King of Air Plants due to its size, grows on other plants or objects without taking nutrients from them, making it a great plant for creative or DIY-inclined plant parents. They can be attached to other plants, driftwood, crystals, decorative planters, or even wall art, expanding the possibilities for beautifying your space with pet-friendly plants.
Care Level: 2 - Easygoing, a good match if you're still a newbie.
Likes: Medium to bright indirect light, humidity.
Dislikes: Overwatering, tap water, low light conditions.
Watering Frequency: Soak in water once every 7-10 days, depending on light and humidity levels. Allow to dry before placing back on display. Mist lightly as needed between waterings.
Size: ~5-6" tall and 9-10" wide. Varies in size.
Not eligible for return. *Does not ship to Alaska or Hawaii.*