Plants 101

Winter Houseplant Care

One of the biggest advantages of houseplants is that they’re easier to care for than outdoor plants, which often require replanting every season or preventive care to protect them from...

Winter Houseplant Care

One of the biggest advantages of houseplants is that they’re easier to care for than outdoor plants, which often require replanting every season or preventive care to protect them from...

Building a Plant Care Routine

Without proper attention and care, plants can experience a range of issues, from rot to pests to being too root-bound or pot-bound. Here’s an example of a plant care routine...

Building a Plant Care Routine

Without proper attention and care, plants can experience a range of issues, from rot to pests to being too root-bound or pot-bound. Here’s an example of a plant care routine...

Welcome Home! Acclimating Your New Pet-Safe Plant

One thing that often puts stress on a plant is a change of environment. When you bring a new plant into your home, it needs time to unwind and adjust...

Welcome Home! Acclimating Your New Pet-Safe Plant

One thing that often puts stress on a plant is a change of environment. When you bring a new plant into your home, it needs time to unwind and adjust...

How to Pick the Right Pet-Friendly Plant

So, you’re ready to enter the wonderful world of houseplants. We recommend evaluating 3 key factors about your environment and lifestyle before setting your heart on any specific pet-friendly plant:...

How to Pick the Right Pet-Friendly Plant

So, you’re ready to enter the wonderful world of houseplants. We recommend evaluating 3 key factors about your environment and lifestyle before setting your heart on any specific pet-friendly plant:...