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Delosperma Echinatum 'Pickle Plant', XS or Small

Delosperma Echinatum 'Pickle Plant', XS or Small

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price $22.00 USD Sale price $22.00 USD
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We recommend adding our Winter Plant Shipping Protection when ordering this during the winter months (November - April) if the order is shipping to an area that gets below 50 degrees. Add it here.

One look at the shape of the Pickle Plant makes it easy to understand how it gets its nickname, but what you might not expect are the tiny white hairs surrounding its leaves. Unlike most spiky succulents, these hairs are soft and fuzzy, making you want to reach for this plant like you reach into the pickle jar at a summer barbecue.

Care Level: 1 - Independent, doesn't need a lot of attention. 

Likes: Bright light, well-draining soil.

Dislikes: Overwatering, damp soil, low light conditions.

Watering Frequency: Every 10-14 days in summer and 6 weeks in winter.

Not eligible for return. *Does not ship to Alaska or Hawaii.*

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